Andrea Russett’s Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Biography

Andrea Russett Height Weight Body Measurements


Andrea Russett has a hourglass shaped body. Below is all her body measurements including height, weight, shoe size, dress size, bra size and more!

Andrea was born on June 27, 1995 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She studied at private Catholic high school but later switched to online school. Her YouTube channel gained so many fans that it is now her main source of income. On the top of that, Russett is helping to fight aimal cruelty by raising money for the cause.

Body Measurements Statistics

All Andrea Russett’s body measurements including for example shoe size, height and weight.

Height: 5’ 2” (157 cm)
Weight: 119 pounds (54 kg)
Body shape: Hourglass
Dress size: 6
Breasts-Waist-Hips: 35-24-35 inches (89-61-89 cm)
Shoe size: 8
Bra size: 34C
Cup size: C
Breast implants or natural?: Natural
